The decrepit old mansion on the edge of town - you know the one - has become the paradise to every lost housecat, orphaned kitten, and retired tomcat. When one walks by, staying strictly on the sidewalk for an unknown deep-seeded fear, the poignant smell of feline piss assaults the nostrils worse than any smelling salt. The owner of this dodgy abode is named Maude. She was once a lovely young woman from the posh part of London. Maude came to America in the seventies to claim that old house that she inherited from a distant relative with dreams to fill it with high society parties and all the babies her womb would allow. Unfortunately, Maude’s idea of a good time was not shared by her American neighbors, and no one cared to put up with her strict mannered parties.
As the years passed, Maude’s stiff upper lip grew stiffer and she grew angrier at her American neighbors for being so bloody inhospitable. One day a small kitten found itself stuck in Maude’s oak tree. When she rescued it, something blossomed inside; her once lost maternal instincts reignited! She began adopting more and more cats until her collection of felines took over the house. She emerged once a week for cat litter and tea, but slowly earned a reputation as quite the nutter. Many local punks began to tease and taunt Maude and her cats. Being the protective parent that she is, Maude turned those tossers arse over tit like a mad woman.
Your mother tells you to beware. The mailman soils himself at least once a week delivering her mail. Even the toughest motorcycle gang refuses to drive down that street. I daresay, MAD MAUDE and her cats are not to be bothered lest you wish for a royal womping!